A Film, a Contest, and Lots of Submissions
Artichoke Haircut Presents "You're Allowed" from Melissa Streat on Vimeo.
For Artichoke Haircut, the coming months are going to be filled with readings, benefits, conferences, the opening of submissions for our winter magazine (see more on this below), etc. etc. But for now, let's just take a second to bask in video's warm glowing warming glow.
If you stopped at that last period to watch the video above you may be saying to yourself, "What the hell?" We said that too, but we have an explanation: "Artichoke Haircut Presents "You're Allowed" is an absurdist study of man's journey through the distopian realities of modern city life, while being followed by a pernicious and ominous force that will eventually consume him..." Ha. Do you believe that? You shouldn't. We just like strange things. And during the summer we realized that we had a horse-head mask and few extra moments so we made a movie. We had a lot of fun making it and we really hope you have fun watching it. Don't tear your hair out over meaning.
Now on to some business. Artichoke Haircut is now open for submissions. Submit your poems, stories or artwork to submit@artichokehaitcut.com. Make sure to put contact info in the body of the email, but please do not send us your life's story. We will ask for a brief bio only after we have read your submissions and made our final selections. For more info on submitting to the magazine click here.
In addition to our normal submission process, we are also running a small contest for Baltimore area residents. We are asking local writers to write a poem or a short story (no more than 800 words) that includes the line, "Sorry I got it in your eye." All submissions for the CONTEST should be sent to contest@artichokehaircut.com by October 24th. More on the prize to come. Please do not send contest entries to our submit email.
So that's it for now. There will be much more to come from us, including a blow-out Halloween party (hint hint), but for the time being, start sending us your work!
A.H. Magazine,