You're Allowed :: Words & Whisky

It is now official, Artichoke Haircut will hold a monthly reading on the first Thursday of every month on the third floor of Dionysus Lounge. So if you're going to take advice from me – and I'm not 100% sure why you would – you might as well just go ahead and take that following Friday off work from here on out. Because both you and I know you're not going to be able to handle the morning after.

And to start off our monthly reading series we have two very talented and very odd writers (seriously, they are the oddest people we know, but we mean that in the best possible way). We are thrilled to be featuring the prose styling of a young Baltimore icon, Timmy Reed, and the quirky/crazy poetry of an up and coming Baltimore icon, Erik Pecukonis. I really can't imagine why you'd want to miss either one of these talented writers.

We'll see you there.


Timmy Reed is an endangered, sub-intelligent hominid from North Baltimore. He writes stuff in hieroglyphics and has it translated by slaves. Follow his micro-awesome-short-rad-flash-supercool  fiction on Twitter at @BMORETIMMYREED. Also, check out the Bicycle Review on June 15th for a short story about neighborhood associations. Buy him a drink sometime maybe. Don't sleep.

Erik Pecukonis is, well... come to the reading and you'll see.